
We understand that the death of a pet is like the passing away of a dear family member, a beloved companion, friend or pet-kid. Culturally, the grief that comes with the passing away of a pet is often not understood or may be considered insignificant. It could be minimised  ("are you still upset about that?"), easy to replace ("get another pet!") or not deserving of serious attention ("you need leave from work because of your pet??"). The truth is that bonds between pets and their humans can be deep, and the loss compounded with lack of empathy or understanding from others can be an isolating and distressing experience. 
We invite you to a safe and special space for pet parents and animal lovers to share, express, grieve, cope and heal where they are understood and heard.
The facilitators for the support group are wellness professionals and counsellors with specialised training, who are also committed animal lovers and pet parents themselves, and have gone through similar experiences. ​
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